I've started attending the gym near-ish my house. After Ben I didn't lose all the baby weight that I had gained before I got pregnant with Mackenzie and the weight situations has just gotten worse from there. But I've finally reached a breaking point where all of that is concerned and I'm determined to lose the weight, not just for the basic vanity reasons (although those are some fairly decent sized reasons) but also because I don't want to always lag behind my son as he's running though the park. I know that I'll never be able to keep up with him the whole time but for a while would be really nice. The problems that I'm running into are trying to make myself go to the gym. I have a few classes that I have appointments for but when something comes up, like the fact that I only got about 5 hours of not very good sleep last night, I just lose a lot of my motivation. That and as much as I enjoy have some free time away from my children, my husband is not great at watching them. It's not that he is out of his league or anything, he took part of the parental leave when my son was young, it's just that he doesn't want to have to watch both of them together, so he's subtle about it and just says things like "it's so nice to snuggle with you, I wish you could stay here" but then if I do he gets mad that we're spending money for a gym membership that I'm not using. It's incredibly frustrating. Anyway, it's almost time for my belly dancing lesson, guess I better stop procrastinating and get my butt moving. :)
Music for Martians
This is a new video for ‘Rise Mountain Rise,’ the song we used to use as
our onstage intro. It kicked off our album ‘Mystery,’ which was reissued in
2016 a...
11 months ago
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