Okay, so yeah, another Breaking Benjamin lyric, what can I say, I like them. (Oh for everyone who didn't realize, all my post titles are song lyrics, I've thought about asking people to guess but I think that might be too hard, I don't always use well known songs) So on to the new games he wants to play. He got served papers this week past, our court date is September 16th, my brother Nick's birthday, so fingers crossed that it goes well. But in what I think was reaction to my papers (from an actual lawyer no less) and what I was requesting from the courts (things that I've been telling him forever that he may have to pay but apparently having my lawyer agree with him has him all flumoxed) like the chart amount of child support (you would think this would be a no brainer) and part of the bills that he left me to deal with (again, shrubbery level comprehension required) and part of the childcare that I have to pay so that I can work (it's all online so basic research should have returned the information that he will probably have to pay these). I think all this threw him for a loop and so he's gone back to basic threats. Apparently, his plan is to come in today and take half the stuff in the house while I'm at work. He thinks that he gets to decide which half should be his just because he's special or something. (and before you ask it is officially legal but anything he takes isn't his simply out of the "finders Keepers" rule, we still need to divide everything with the courts regardless of who's house it's residing in) So yeah, I may come home from work today and find half my stuff missing, at this point, I'm just ready to roll with the punches and say come what may, I'll deal with it at that time. I think he's just threatening to get me to panic, but if not, so be it.
Music for Martians
This is a new video for ‘Rise Mountain Rise,’ the song we used to use as
our onstage intro. It kicked off our album ‘Mystery,’ which was reissued in
2016 a...
10 months ago
Girl, you do know that he just can't come in there while you aren't at home and take your stuff right? He has to have a date set with the courts where you are both there (and sherriff- if need be) In fact, before some places allow one to retrieve their things- they have to write them all down and go that way. (In my divorce papers, every single thing was itemized- including the pictures on the walls.) The good thing in your case is that you are still living there- (my ex was living in the house- so if it wasn't mentioned in the papers, even though he knew some of it was mine- he kept it anyway)
Don't let him walk all over you- or try to scare you. As long as you are doing what the lawyer advises, he will be the one who will look like an ass...
Keep your head up! yOu are doing a FABULOUS job!!
Hopefully this finds you with all your possessions and not half. What a douche.
glad you still have all your stuff. What an ass, I finally removed him as a facebook friend.
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