Sunday, May 3

I see nothing in your eyes, and the more I see the less I like....

So it's time to update the latest, although this one is curtousy of the rumor mill via a friend. So he moved into his new place yesterday and according to the rumor mill, she moved in with him. When I asked him about it (I feel I have a right to know who's around my kids) he said that she would be living there on weekends, which makes no sense at all since normally she lives fairly far away (another city) from work and she doesn't drive. But apparently I have the word "STUPID" tattooed on my forehead in invisible ink that only he can see because he expects me to believe the steaming load of horseshit he just piled on. *rolled eyes* Yeah, right.

From the same rumor, he has been giving two different stories around his workplace. In one, he's been giving me tons of money but I've been squandering it on something and that's why I can't pay rent and so he is not planing on paying me anymore support. And in the other, he is planning on not giving me any more support in an effort to stress me out to the point of a nervous breakdown so he can have custody of the kids or (yes, he has a plan B, miracles can happen) plans on making me look unfit because I'm not able to keep up with the bills and stuff. I'm really not sure how this plan is going to work since the courts are probably going to look at him and say "Okay so she was so unfit that you left her in sole custody of the children for two months before you decided that it was a dangerous situation and (in the case of option 2) you're not giving her any money and then claiming that she is financially unable to care for them?" Why does he not see this? Why is it obvious to every one else but him? And I will be honest here, it all kinda hurts a bit, mainly because I couldn't pull this crap on someone I hated let alone someone I claimed to have loved who didn't really do anything to hurt me. All of it really makes me doubt that he ever loved me at all and I'm not really sure how I feel about that. 

1 comment:

Molly said...

I think your STBX (soon to be x) has watched one to many movies....

Keep strong.

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