Okay, so I know, I've been bugged for a new post by a few people now so I guess it's only fair, (although kinda sucks to be the people who bugged me because they've already heard most of this :P). Anyway, his newest thing is that he thinks I should volentarily give him custody, just like that. When I managed to pick my jaw off the floor to tell him "no," he told me I should think about it because I "obviously wasn't handling this well" and "it would be easier on me." Okaaay, like I trust you to have my best interest at heart. All I managed to choke out in my rage was a terse, "I've never taken the easy road" and I left it at that, but even now it just makes me so mad! Really, paying me support will make your life that hard? Why in god's name do some idiots think taking care of two children full time, all the time, is easier and cheaper then the meager amount of support that they're required? And before any single dad's out there get insulted, I'm not talking to you really, I'm talking about they type of parent who leaves, sees their kid about 6-12 hours a week by their choice (I've offered way more time then that) and then all of a sudden thinks that they're parent of the year and can do a way better job. *rolled eyes* You know what would make my life easier, if he didn't fight me over every penny especially since I'm asking for the bare minimum according to court guidelines. He then proceeded to tell me all the ways that he is a better parent then me and all the ways that I suck at parenting, and all I can ask myself is "why now?" is it because I finally have a lawyer and am ready to play hardball that he thinks he can step in and push me around again? Try to make me give in to his way of doing things yet again? Yeah, not this time.
Music for Martians
This is a new video for ‘Rise Mountain Rise,’ the song we used to use as
our onstage intro. It kicked off our album ‘Mystery,’ which was reissued in
2016 a...
10 months ago
Join the crowd....LOL Lots of luck your way!! I know it's hard, but stand your ground. We are always knocked around by the ex's- but if you stand up for yourself, they will get what's coming to them.
Or a spray bottle. Thats what you do to bad kats right. I think you were the one that suggested I get one for Tony way back when...LoL
Hey Kelsey
sorry to be blunt about this but he sounds like a real douche. That is all.
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