I think I must have married the most selfish person on the face of the planet. Why can't he think of anyone else? Why is his only reasoning for destroying our lives his happiness? I'm sorry, but you're unhappy is just not a good enough reason for this shit. Why was I not good enough for him to try and work on it? What was I doing that made his life so horrible that all of a sudden, he's left and he's happier? And you can't tell me that it's him and not me. I must be doing something and it was enough to make him want to leave his kids and me. And he loves the kids and they make him happy so how much unhappy was I causing him that it outweighed the happy of the kids? Why am I unlovable? What's so wrong with me that it was worth destroying our family and hurting our children to get away from me?
I hate myself.......
Music for Martians
This is a new video for ‘Rise Mountain Rise,’ the song we used to use as
our onstage intro. It kicked off our album ‘Mystery,’ which was reissued in
2016 a...
11 months ago
NO IT'S NOT YOU...IT'S NOT YOU ..IT'S NOT YOU...it's him. He is thinking of himself..Do NOT take the responsibility in all of this kelsey..I KNOW it is easier to take the blame yourself, than to realize that this person has decided to leave, to think of himself. I found it easier for me to hold all the problems, making it all my fault, than I wouldn't have to deal with the pain of what they have done to me, the hurt they had caused me....DON'T DO THIS.....Kelsey,,it's not your fault. It takes two,,but you have been willing to make this work, to go the distance, to do whatever it takes to keep this marriage alive..hubby hasn't.
I'm so sorry your feeling this way. But it's not your fault. You are who you are and there is nothing wrong with you. He's just decided that he doesn't like being your husband. I know that sounds cruel but it's a HIM thing. He wants to leave. He made the choice to see his kids part time. They are his choices not yours and no matter what he feels his reasons for leaving were, they are not your fault. Even if he thinks they are. Know what I mean? You can't be in his head to know why he's doing the things he's doing and you know what, now you don't even have to care why. He's not your problem anymore. The only thing you have to worry about when it comes to him is how he's being with the kids and how they are being with him. Take a load off now. He's no longer your responsibility so who cares what he thinks or feels (as long as it's not something about the kids) right)!
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