Monday, January 19

Crazy Neighbor Diaries

My neighbor likes to keep her car clean of snow.
A lot.
She's been seen cleaning her car off at 8AM, just after midnight and even 4:30AM.

Now for the crazy part, she's not going anywhere. She bundles up, brushes off her car and goes back into her house. This is going to be interesting.


Anonymous said...

Please stop watching me!

No, seriously, I have done that. Sometimes I even run the car while I brush it off & then go back inside. It's very cold & snowy here so sometimes you have to do that just to make life easier for when you do need to drive ;)

PS Hooking you up with a link too :)

Kelsey said...

Thanks, I think the thing that pushed her from a little kooky to crazy was her husband sticking his head out the door and asking her what she was doing. That and the fact that it was still snowing while she was doing it.

Jay said...

crazy neighbours are awesome! We once had a neighbour that stile our mail andwhen we complained about it she stole our mail box! Its all good.

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