I remember playing this game as a kid, dreaming about what I would be when I grew up, maybe a vet in a zoo, or an international spy, or an author, or painter, or sometimes (and this is with no dance training to speak of) a ballerina. And now that I am all grown (sorta), it seems silly to still play it, although there are some things that I dream of being, (and no, it is not the ballerina)(or the spy) but today I saw something that really made me sit up and say, "When I grow up, I want to be like that!"
What was this wonder you might ask? Simple, my year old daughter.
When I grow up, I want to be like her. Perhaps I should explain. While I might love the pampering that she gets daily from everyone around her, what struck me today about her was her courage.
See Mackenzie is afraid of the vacuum, and I don't just mean a little leery, I mean ear piercing shrieks of terror kind of afraid. For the longest time, either Brian or I would have to take her into a separate room and cuddle her through the shrieks as she screamed about the vacuum that was two rooms away. But today, all that changed. I took out the vacuum, and prepared to be deafened, but it couldn't be helped, if I wanted to go out, I needed to vacuum because there was no way I was going to have the babysitter in my house looking like that. As I mentally prepared for the shrieks, my daughter surprised me, instead of her normal panic, after a small squeak of fear, she got up and stood in the way of the vacuum. Even shaking with fear, she dared the vacuum to run her over, giving it a very effective "F U" and refusing to be afraid of it any longer.
Today, I am prouder of my daughter then I could have ever thought. And secretly, I want to be more like her.
P.S. Sorry Char for not posting for a long time, I had a lot of junk going on and one day, if I maybe get some of Mackenzie's courage, I'll post about it, but not yet.
P.P.S. One thing I learned about me today, apparently, I cannot spell the word vacuum, thank god for spellcheck.
Music for Martians
This is a new video for ‘Rise Mountain Rise,’ the song we used to use as
our onstage intro. It kicked off our album ‘Mystery,’ which was reissued in
2016 a...
11 months ago
1 comment:
Umm, I thought you spelt it wrong so what does that say about me...LoL...and I haven't posted in a while either (same deal with with junk and the Oh My Gods).
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