As I type this my daughter is screaming incoherently at her toy (she's trying to talk) and my son is foraging in the kitchen for something edible (or not so edible as last time he came out with a candle) even though we ate diner like 5 minutes ago. My husband is in the shower and all I'm thinking is "Oh God, does time seriously stop while I'm waiting for 8 o'clock." This is my night. Wow how sad is this. I know that I never update this thing because seriously, I never have time, someone who shall remain nameless (Char!) joked about watching Oprah all day (I wish, well not Oprah but any show through to the end) Unfortunately, I have the most active 3 year old on the planet. If I didn't know that I never drank anything caffeinated throughout his pregnancy, I would swear that he has pure caffeine running though his veins. And as I like to say, my son is a super genius, unfortunately he's decided to only use his powers for evil. My husband, god love him, works all day and seems to be under some delusion that when he gets home it's time to rest, HAH! so he immediately jumps in the shower, the most relaxing thing he can think of, in fact it is his 2nd shower of the day and there are usually 3, meanwhile, I can't remember when I last had time to shower to get clean let alone just because I needed to relax (seriously, I'm not that grimy but it's getting close) Hell I don't even get time to brush my teeth alone in the morning. The rest of my days are usually spent trying to clean the house and I do stress trying, because I seem to be the only one who does this. Now I know that I'm the SAHM but seriously (yes I know that I've said that like a bajillion times but my brain is on autopilot and I can think of another word) I was doing laundry the other day at 8 am in our laundromat and it hit me, with the exception of two loads of his own clothes my husband has never done this, I mean ever, we moved in two years ago and I've only been home a year. Then I started thinking, he's never washed the floor, or cleaned the bathroom, and he rarely ever even vacuums or takes out the garbage anymore. All I can say is "WTF?" when the hell did I become June Cleaver? I think he and I need to have a serious talk because when I go back to work (part time so I can still look after the kids all day) thing are going to have to change. Speaking of change I have a little girl whose getting a bit ripe so.....
Music for Martians
This is a new video for ‘Rise Mountain Rise,’ the song we used to use as
our onstage intro. It kicked off our album ‘Mystery,’ which was reissued in
2016 a...
11 months ago
You do know I was kidding right? I mean, just cooking, cleaning and training Tony takes up most of my day...LoL...I have no reason to criticize...LoL. The tolk won't help. It really won't. Go on partial strike. Refuse one chore. Don't do it. Ever. Tell him that's his job. I do it with the dishes. When i run out of dishes, I don't cook anymore. The kitchen can smell like beached wale in miami, I will not wash the dishes. It took a month and a half, but he has clued in. Not to say he does them often (he waits for the stick and the lack of a dinner - and on those days, I eat out without him). I'm thinking that if I keep holding out, I'll get the dishwasher hooked up (it's been in the kitchen for three weeks).
It's moments like this when you realize that equality is still a long fucking way off!!
They are *entitled* to rest when they come home from work, they have to admit it, they feel like that time is theirs and no one else has a right to it, but a stay at home Mom (or even not stay at home, poor things) is not entitled to any sick days, breaks, leave of absences or vacations. Ever.
And then, when the kids finally leave - they get all bent out of shape when their poor wife doesn't have enough hobbies/things to occupy her time with immediately (all of which were given up so he could have his God Given Right to Relaxing after work, which includes breaks and commutes and other times where nothing is demanded of them)
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