Tuesday, March 18

Trading Spouses

So I was watching "Trading Spouses" today during nap time and one of the mothers that was featured on the show made the remark "My biggest fear is that my children will grow up to realize that they don't need me" and all I could think about was what an awful sentiment that was. Not that I want my children to grow up fast and ignore me but I think that it is part of my job as a parent to make sure that my children are responsible, independent human beings. My little boy is so independent right now. Half the time it takes me over and hour to dress him because he insists that he both pick out and dress himself. We have daily fights over how Superman jammies are not acceptable attire for grocery shopping. Every now and again, I just have to give in and end up walking around Wal-mart with my son in Ninja turtle pj pants, a spiderman pj top, batman boots and a hockey helmet just praying I don't meet anyone I know.

But back to the topic at hand, I know it's my job to teach my children how to live without me, I'll know I did a great job when they want to spend time with me regardless if they need me or not. That's what a parent is supposed to do. Will I still bawl the day that Ben runs off to school with just a quick "bye Mom" over his shoulder? Hell yes, but I will also be proud of him for taking that next step. The day that Mackenzie moves out to go to university will be, I think, the day I decide not to get out of bed for a week. But once I get over feeling sorry for myself, I will be so proud of her. This is what being a parent is. From the moment that the little ball of cells is conceived, all your needs take a backseat to theirs. You eat the food that is healthy for them, you drink 4 glasses of milk a day and all of your concern is directed towards them. Once they're born, it only gets worse because you need to learn that you can't protect them from everything, you can only do your best. The saying is "If you love someone, let them go" not cage them up and hope they never get free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My uncle was so pissed at me when I let his son go to the mall in his superman PJs! Like orange bell bottoms were ever cool Uncle Jay! It's just clothes. At least he doesn't want to go out naked. And, your kids always need you. I'm 26 and on my own out west and I miss my parents every day. I'm jst better at hiding it then I was at five years old.

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